Friday, July 27, 2007

Crested Butte 2007

After a year of recovery from my back surgery, my wife and I traveled to Crested Butte, CO this summer. Thanks to Tammy's boss, Pam, we were able to stay in a condo for free, all we had to do was drive from Grand Rapids, MI to CB. The drive was long and boring most of the time, but it was well worth it. We had the chance of a lifetime to ride some amazing singletrack, see some breath-taking views, and eat some excellent food.

Before this trip I spent all of my time riding singletrack in Michigan. I knew CB was going to be tough but I wasn't sure what to expect. The town sits at about 8500' and the elevation change alone proved to be a huge challenge on our first ride on the Lower Loop. I had a few sustained sprints, but I felt like my chest would explode if I rode too hard. So, I took frequent breaks and soaked in the view.

By the end of our first trail ride in CB I was in love. Finally, I get to go mountain biking on a mountain! Not some hill with a few exposed roots, but a true mountain with tons of exposed rocks and roots and steep downhills and crazy extended climbs. Tammy and I found the one place that we feel happy and unhindered by society's norms and ridiculous values. I can be myself and bomb down the mountain, screaming the whole way! OK, I don't scream but you get the idea.

The Lower Loop is pretty tame compared the other trails we rode. We were in CB for five days and in those five days we rode six times. Day 1 - Lower Loop; Day 2 - Lower Loop, Snodgrass; Day 3 - Lower Loop again; Day 4 - Upper Loop; Day 5 - Strand Hill;

My legs were on fire for the entire trip, but I actually felt guilty when I wasn't out riding a trail. If my body could have withstood the torture, I would have only gotten off my bike for bio-breaks, meals, and to sleep for a few hours. However, my body isn't in top physical condition. Not to mention, my Gary Fisher Tassajara probably isn't built to take the abuse I put it through.

So, in preparation for next years trip, I'm riding as much as possible and I'm looking at getting a new bike next spring. I can't wait until next summer and we get to experience the joy of riding some of the more difficult trails, like the 401 and Reno/Flag/Bear.

Have a look at the rest of the pictures I snapped off while we were in CB.

1 comment:

AllyB said...

Hey! Nice pictures, glad you had such a great time. Love Ya, Mom