Sunday, July 29, 2007

Trow's Ear Bug

So George and I are making our second lap through his trail when George grabs at his ear. I pull up behind him and ask what's going on. His words were something like "F*ckin' bug flew in my ear and I can't get it out" the whole while, George has his finger in his ear moving it around trying to get the bug to fall out. I'm well aware how uncomfortable things in your ear can be, so I head back to the house to grab his water bottle to try and flush the bug out.

As I'm heading back to the house I see that Janelle's arrived at Trow's house and she's unloading food for dinner. I tell Janelle what happened to George and she responsed with a really confused look on her face: "There's a bug in his ear?" "Yep a bug" So, I grab his water bottle in the garage and head into the house to fill it up. By the time the bottle's full and I'm heading back into the garage, George is walking his bike back into the garage yelling "The f*ckin' thing is burrowing in me ear. Get my tweezers and pull it out." Back into the house I go looking for his tweezers and a flashlight. I find what I'm looking for and I run back into the garage to find George still yelling about the bug biting his ear. When I shined the light into his ear I could see quite a bit of blood, but no bug. I ran some water in his ear and shined the light in his ear again. I can see a dark object way back in his ear. I inserted the tweezers in his ear and I couldn't safely reach the bug. I suppose I could've dug a bit deeper, but the last thing I wanted to do was rupture his eardrum.
Well, after a few minutes the bug stopped digging at his ear and George was able to hold his head up straight. Seeing as the bug could still be alive and waiting to dig some more, Janelle drove George to the emergency room (George's third visit in three years). I decided to ride some more and I ran the loop three more times. I got a good workout and learned quite a bit about George's course for the Octoberfest Bike Race.

Shortly after I finished my last lap, Johnny and Miriam and the kids showed up. So, I recount the fiasco of the bug that flew in George's ear to Johnny and Miriam and they're shocked. Safe to say, it's a pretty screwed up story. I helped Johnny and Miriam unload and we had a few beers while we waited for George and Janelle to get back from the ER. We wondered what they would have to do to get the bug out of George's ear and how traumatized George would be. We all got a laugh at the idea of George coming home with a Van Gogh bandage on his ear, but when he got back there was no bandage only a prescription for ear drops. We asked Trow about what the ER visit was like and all they had to do was run some hydrogen peroxide in his ear and then flush it with warm water. The bug came right out and George was finally able to see the thing that caused him so much pain, a half-inch long winged ant. It's amazing the things that can happen when you're out for a bike ride in the woods.


Nerdy Knitter said...

That's a really gross bug. Yucky, I am glad that thing wasn't inside my head. It would have really bugged me:) Pun intended. Nice Blog. Check you later Bro.

Anonymous said...

I have a bug of somesort but no one seems to be able to see it. I keep telling them when the light hits the ear canal, they hide. They are all about to admit me. I know for a fact it is some bug that has laid its eggs and they are now being protected by sometihng that has a horrible grip when I try to pull it off....DOES anyone know what kind of bug this could be??!! I've been to the ER...they saw nothing....I've been to the drs twice...saw nothing...I've been to an ENT dr twice he treated it as an infection!! He even tapped on one of the bugs!!! I should of asked him to lift that hard (scab as he said) SCAB from WHAT...I asked....he said a nasty infection.......funny and odd how it cleared up totally by the next day....but the day after its business as usual but even also has some kind of a worm connected to maybe the motherhood but ewwwwwwwww .......this bugs eggs now have a fuzzy substance around it and seems like a bug or two are i said when i try to pull one of the gets a death grip on me and won't let go...and it hurts like hell..........................anyone? does anyone know????? This is a very true story...VERY

Anonymous said...

Thank you "Trow" and "Val"...unfortunately this bug is extremely stubborn. It has already formed one cacoon like casing and I stuck my finger in the ear and at last...I was able to flick it out..........I couldn't find it. It disappeared just like it does in my ear. I still have a good number of bugs now. They are very aggressive and seem to have somekind of stinger that is constantly pricking my ear. It too is forming another casing.

On the inside of my ear are the bugs...along the inside of the back of my ear you can feel a round picky thing like a very small picker like what a thistle turns into....and attached to that is a worm like about an inch long and it goes into my ear and attaches to the "casing" ..........OMG I am for real going crazy!!! Please, does anyone have any ideas of what this can be??? I've tried mineral oil...nothing....tried oil....noting...tried soapy water...nothing....NOTHING is working.......I'm begging someone to take this serious and help me. The doctors think I'm a bit coo-coo. I see the ENT Monday and perhaps this visit he WILL see what's happening in my EAR!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, here I am again. I did go to the dr and found out that I have a fungus in my ear that has broken through (from me rubbing my ear) to the fat layer. Problem with this is...if the fungul creme doesn't work or not strong enough...we all know where this is going....I don't know about you, but I do have fat cells throughout my body. Yep, that's where it can go.

The ear has a very fine layer of skin and even rubbing it can break through it. I was assured by the dr that all the symptoms I was experiencing were the symptoms of this infection. Creep, crawlies in my ear was the skin etc...

This could take a very long time to clear itself. SO, I'm guessing that I got this from a friends dog. She licked herself (?) then licked my ear. Also, it was compounded by acrylic nails (me rubbing the skin)....SO if you have acrylics or any kind of nail product that has the possibilities of getting infected....think twice about it...rubbing your ear is something one does w/o even thinking...until it's to late.

I'll update this as I start to heal. Prayers are always welcome.

Anonymous said...

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